“Your Rep Book”
- the song!
If you’ve already read Your Rep Book, you know all about the song I wrote to illustrate making cuts with! Listen to it now anywhere you stream music, and feel free to download the sheet music.
"Your Rep Book” by Adam Wachter
Your rep book’s the collection of audition songs you sing;
It’s not the kind of book you sit and read.
It should hold lots of different kinds of songs for most auditioning,
But other books hold more variety. Indeed:
A bible’s sort of tribal; it’s a book you read in church.
My preference is a reference book to do all my research.
Victoria’s Secret’s catalogue’s a book of lacy thongs,
But a well-stocked rep book’s full of perfect songs!
Reading a book like Anne Frank’s diary’s like meeting a new friend.
I hope it all turns out all right; I’m not quite at the end.
A crook took my best cookbook; now I’ll never bake a thing,
But my rep book’s full of songs that I can sing!
My rep book, my lovely rep book.
Each sixteen bar’s immaculate; each thirty-two’s exact!
Each role I long for, I’ve got a song for!
Now I just need to learn to dance! … and sing, and act.
A dictionary is so very good defining words.
A comic book’s atomic hook’s are eaten up by nerds.
A yearbook is a clear look back at when you once were young,
But a rep book proves its worth when it is sung!
Your rep book, it’s the first-step book:
First step to getting hired to be a member of the cast!
To show potential, it is essential!
So you should make sure that it’s good, and not half-assed!
You can handle anything if suitably prepared for each audition.
Find a song you love to sing and cut it up beyond all recognition.
Inside your car, if going far, an atlas is a must,
Whereas a coffee table art book will just sit there gathering dust.
A good detective mystery is a thrill to solve along,
And a book on world history shows us where it all went wrong,
And a brilliant novelist reminds us stories can be strong,
But a rep book holds each precious, perfect, prime audition song!
Your rep book, your massive rep book!
From Bernstein to Beyonce and Cole Porter to Coldplay,
A secret weapon to put your rep in!
Once it’s been polished and prepared, you’re on your way.
If the songs are right and cuts are tight across your repertoire
In auditions, it positions you to be a Broadway star.
Reading books, I say, is great, be they non-fiction, poems, or prose,
But it’s your rep book that books you shows!